Your Weekly Horoscope


You have had a run of bad luck due to recent lunar events and the fact that your astrological sign is named after a compact Chrysler sedan from the 80’s. It doesn’t help that you still drive one either.


Keep yourself open to the prospects of new relationships. You may meet that one-in-a-million person that can convince you of how shitty a person you actually are.




It’s important to set boundaries with your friends. Carry a piece of chalk with you to draw a circle around you at social events.  If someone crosses without permission, hit them with a sock full of oranges.


Crab Louse (Phthirus pubis) by euthman, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  euthman 

Sometimes it’s important to ignore the advice of others and follow your heart, but your condom delivery business falls flat due to your “installation not included” clause.



You are finding it difficult to stick to a schedule lately so you have decided to write a to-do list every day but you forgot where you left your dry-erase marker and when you accidentally sat on it you perforated your large intestine. Pour some milk on a cereal bowl filled with antibiotics for breakfast.



You will feel the need to confront a friend who has accused you of lying. Little does she know, “confront” to you means hitting her on the head with a rubber mallet.



The discomfort you feel around your mate turns out to be scabies.


Klaus Meine 2
By José Goulão from Lisbon, Portugal (Scorpions) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

You will be embroiled in a passionate, one-sided love affair that will end upon your release from prison.


Things look dark for you right now but you should start seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately for you, it’s a train.


brotherly ”love” by MorrowLess, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License   by  MorrowLess 

Even though you have not had much success in the past, this is a good time to start a new relationship. Begin by practicing on your neighbor’s goat. FYI…the goat is a “top”.


Aqua Potable by FaceMePLS, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  FaceMePLS 

You are learning to be a very positive and happy person. You see the bright side of any situation and are always helpful, offering advice and comfort to anyone that needs it. All normal people hate you.


Freddy Mercury Merman Christmas Ornament by DanCentury, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  DanCentury 

You will be making a major purchase this week. Too bad it’s by a minor with your stolen credit card.

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